Monday, 24 October 2011

Response to the Brief

Response to Brief

The first part of our 'News and Current Affairs' Package that we have been set as our first group-based television project. For the assignment, we are required to write and produce a News package production.

There are only a few rules:
- The assignment has to be an informative package that is relevant to The Manchester College
- Has to follow some of the rules and conventions that are used in contemporary news packages
- The sequence must be between 30seconds and 1 minute

We responded to the brief by sitting in our group and discussing possible angles that we could approach this assignment from. We brainstormed our ideas using knowledge that we already had of The Manchester College to see if our combined knowledge could create a unique, interesting and informative news story. We looked at fairly broad and general topics in the hope that we could find a new angle on

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